A portable reporter and steady editor
in Manila


Selected work and side projects

"Modus: The Pharmally Con" is a podcast series on questionable — potentially fraudulent — government purchases of pandemic response supplies hosted by Lourd De Veyra for PumaPodcast

#FightDisinfo was a newsletter for the Consortium on Democracy and Disinformation and the Asian Center For Journalism on developments and research in disinformation studies 

"People on the Periphery" is an investigative series on development-induced displacement 

"Why officials' false claims of being misquoted do not help anyone" is a feature on governnment officials' propensity to claim to have been misquoted and how this affects communication and discourse

"Riding someone else's motorcycle? Be ready to prove you're not a criminal" looks at the implementation of the impractical and discriminatory Motorcycle Crime Prevention Act.

"Taliptip: A long goodbye where the sea will soon meet the sky" features interviews with residents of a fishing community displaced by a planned airport project.

"Layoffs hit nutrition giant's Canlubang plant" reports on surprise retrenchment at a milk factory in Laguna

"Slow News Days" is a newsletter on journalism and journalism-adjacent topics

For more stuff, you may also check my author page at Philstar.com while it's still there